Blackrock Depths Detention Block Quests Guide

Last updated Today at 12:28 by Abide 2 comments

This guide lists all the quests you can do in Blackrock Depths Detention Block, their minimum level requirements, and the quest chains required to unlock them. Following this guide, you can enter Blackrock Depths Detention Block with all of the quests available for the dungeon.


The list of quests available for this dungeon, along with their faction and minimum level requirements, is as follows:

  • [48] Dark Iron Legacy
  • [50] The Heart of the Mountain
  • [52] A Taste of Flame
  • Alliance Icon [48] Incendius!
  • Alliance Icon [48] Marshal Windsor
  • Alliance Icon [50] The Good Stuff
  • Alliance Icon [50] Kharan Mighthammer
  • Horde Icon [48] KILL ON SIGHT: Dark Iron Dwarves
  • Horde Icon [48] The Last Element
  • Horde Icon [48] Disharmony of Fire
  • Horde Icon [48] Commander Gor'shak
  • Horde Icon [50] KILL ON SIGHT: High Ranking Dark Iron Officials

Neutral Quests


Dark Iron Legacy

To start this quest, you must speak with Franclorn Forgewright while dead in ghost form. You will not be able to see the quest giver when you are alive.

  1. [48] Dark Iron Legacy
  2. [48] Dark Iron Legacy

Make sure you loot Fineous Darkvire for the Ironfel  Icon Ironfel. You must be dead again to turn the quest in afterwards.


The Heart of the Mountain

This quest can simply be picked up at level 50 and has no pre-requisites.

  1. [50] The Heart of the Mountain

You will need open all 12 of the Relic Coffers with the Relic Coffer Key  Icon Relic Coffer Keys you find throughout the dungeon. This will open the Secret Vault Room, which is guarded by Watchman Doomgrip. After defeating him the The Heart of the Mountain  Icon The Heart of the Mountain will spawn in the back of the room, be sure to loot it.


A Taste of Flame

This is a very long quest chain that starts in Searing Gorge shown below:

  1. [40] Divine Retribution
  2. [40] The Flawless Flame
  3. [40] Forging the Shaft
  4. [40] The Flame's Casing
  5. [40] The Torch of Retribution
  6. [40] The Torch of Retribution
  7. [40] Squire Maltrake
  8. [40] Set Them Ablaze!
  9. [40] Trinkets...
  10. [52] A Taste of Flame
  11. [52] A Taste of Flame

The final quest that is for Blackrock Depths is on the far Eastern side of Burning Steppes Cyrus Therepentous. Make sure you save your Black Dragonflight Molt  Icon Black Dragonflight Molt from the Trinkets... quest.


Alliance Quests



To unlock this quest you will first need to kill Overmaster Pyron outside of Blackrock Depths for the pre-requisite quest.

  1. Alliance Icon [48] Overmaster Pyron
  2. Alliance Icon [48] Incendius!

Marshal Windsor

This is a very long quest chain that is part of the Onyxia Attunement.

  1. Alliance Icon[48] Dragonkin Menace
  2. Alliance Icon [48] The True Masters
  3. Alliance Icon [48] The True Masters
  4. Alliance Icon [48] The True Masters
  5. Alliance Icon [48] The True Masters
  6. Alliance Icon [48] The True Masters
  7. Alliance Icon [48] The True Masters
  8. Alliance Icon [48] Marshal Windsor

After turning this quest in, there will be a few follow-up quests inside the dungeon.


The Good Stuff

This quest has no pre-requisites and can simply be picked up at any time.

  1. Alliance Icon [50] The Good Stuff

Make sure you loot the numerous Dark Iron Dwarves found inside the dungeon for the needed 20 Dark Iron Fanny Pack  Icon Dark Iron Fanny Pack.


Kharan Mighthammer

This short quest chain starts in Ironforge and is completed in Burning Steppes.

  1. Alliance Icon [50] The Smoldering Ruins of Thaurissan
  2. Alliance Icon [50] The Smoldering Ruins of Thaurissan
  3. Alliance Icon [50] Kharan Mighthammer

Horde Quests


Disharmony of Fire

You must first complete Disharmony of Flame to unlock this quest.

  1. Horde Icon [48] Disharmony of Flame
  2. Horde Icon [48] Disharmony of Fire

KILL ON SIGHT: Dark Iron Dwarves

Grab this quest at the wanted poster in Kargath.

  1. Horde Icon [48] KILL ON SIGHT: Dark Iron Dwarves

The Last Element

You must first complete Disharmony of Flame to unlock this quest.

  1. Horde Icon [48] The Last Element

Make sure to loot all of the golems and elementals inside of the dungeon to complete this quest


Commander Gor'shak

You must first complete Disharmony of Flame to unlock this quest.

  1. Horde Icon [48] Commander Gor'shak

There are a few follow-up quests inside the dungeon after this quest starting from Commander Gor'shak.


KILL ON SIGHT: High Ranking Dark Iron Officials

You must first complete the earlier quest chain KILL ON SIGHT: Dark Iron Dwarves to unlock this quest.

  1. Horde Icon [48] KILL ON SIGHT: Dark Iron Dwarves
  2. Horde Icon [50] KILL ON SIGHT: High Ranking Dark Iron Officials


  • 18 Nov. 2024: Page updated for Classic Anniversary.
  • 04 Apr. 2024: Page added.
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