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About DelaneyRau

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  1. Sorry for the late update. Though I have resolved the issue a long days ago. I just checked the forum and got this post. I was searching online about this issue why it happens during playing games. Then found one article, if anyone interested to know, can follow up this https://www.thewindowsclub.com/fix-world-of-warcraft-lag-or-latency-issues-on-pc. I guess the main reason is WoW High priority settings. So set WoW to run with High priority and also need to update all the device driver of your computer that might solve the issue.
  2. Yesterday I posted a thread here, but unfortunately the post has been deleted or may be not approved. I dont know what could be the reason. Actually I have been playing WoW for the past few days. But recently I am experiencing a problem when playing the game. Sometimes I am experiencing the latency issue. I followed some basic methods to resolve it. But after a few minutes of the gameplay, the problem still persists. I could not understand what to do. Could someone please help to fix it? Any kind of help would be highly appreciated.
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