Hunter Guide

Welcome to our World of Warcraft The War Within Warlock Guide. Here you will find a quick overview of the specializations Warlock can pick and choose from, with links and in-depth information available to each specs Talents, Builds, Rotation, Gear and much more.

Tame wild beasts to fight alongside you, overwhelming your opponents with your loyal companions at your side.

Rain down hails of arrows from great distance and finish off your enemies with deadly precision.

Wield traps and spears to quarrel in close quarters, using ancient and primal tactics and techniques.
The War Within Hunter Specializations
Beast Mastery Hunter
Beast Mastery Hunters command beasts of the wild to fight by their side, relying on their loyal pets to tear through enemies while the Hunter attacks from afar. Masters of controlling their companions, Beast Mastery Hunter abilities focus on commanding the pet to attack, or summoning additional Beasts to attack.
Beast Mastery has a fast-paced, high-mobility playstyle that feels a lot like the fast-paced melee specs of the game, but at range. Its key feature is that none of these abilities require you to stand still, making Beast Mastery Hunter fully mobile no matter what mechanics it has to deal with.
How Popular is Beast Mastery Hunter?
Raid Popularity
In Raids, Beast Mastery is very desired for its high single-target damage and ease of play. It is often assigned to do specially assigned mechanics that rely on movement, as Beast Mastery can execute such mechanics at no DPS loss, which is unique among Ranged specs.
Mythic+ Popularity
In Mythic+, Beast Mastery provides excellent AoE damage, and decent single-target, and great ease of play. It is not used in the most competitive high-keys, but it is a very solid entry for low-medium keystones where its ease of play lets you focus on kicks, stuns, and the other mechanics of Mythic+ that aren't just DPS. It also scales very well into very large pulls of 10 targets and above.
Marksmanship Hunter
Marksmanship Hunters are deadly sharpshooters who excel at bringing down foes from afar with precise, powerful shots. Without the need or desire for a constant pet, these lone wolves channel all their focus into powerful ranged attacks, piercing through armor and exploiting weaknesses with unmatched precision.
Marksmanship's playstyle is about cooldown management and stringing together sequences of powerful shots, alternating between long cast times and instant casts that empower them. It alternates between being a slow and methodical playstyle, and a fast-paced one during its cooldowns.
How Popular is Marksmanship Hunter?
Raid Popularity
In Raids, Marksmanship provides incredibly strong AoE damage, and good single-target, but can suffer from constant and inefficient movement. Marksmanship generally excels more in the hands of more experienced players. It has excellent burst damage and good Marksmanship Hunters know exactly when to use and when to save their cooldowns.
Mythic+ Popularity
In Mythic+, Marksmanship has some of the strongest pure AoE in the game, though it has mediocre single-target damage. It also lacks a bit in the group utility department, and is also generally the squishiest/least durable of the Hunter specs.
Survival Hunter
Survival Hunters are fierce trackers and rugged brawlers, blending ranged attacks like Wildfire Bomb with brutal melee strikes
Butchery to engage their enemies up close alongside their pet, using abilities that synergize with their pets like
Flanking Strike. Embracing their primal instincts, they wield deadly polearms and spears and deploy bombs to tear and blow apart
Survival has a medium-paced playstyle that can effortlessly weave in and out of melee combat, though it thrives the most in melee. It has
to juggle many different cooldowns with effects that depend on one another, weaving Kill Commands between other abilities to
buff them with
Tip of the Spear.
How Popular is Survival Hunter?
Raid Popularity
In raids, Survival is relatively unpopular despite its objective strength; it has some of the highest single-target DPS in the game, with excellent AoE to boot. Survival's best feature is its flexibility, as it is able to do excellent single-target while AoE'ing, and vice versa. It is also the most durable of the Hunter specs, thanks to having 6% innate, global damage reduction.
Mythic+ Popularity
In Mythic+, Survival provides some of the best single-target DPS in the game, and solid AoE. It does prefer for packs to live a long time, as it does not have a very bursty DPS profile.
This guide has been written by Azortharion, a Hunter Guidewriter, Theorycrafter, and top player since 2014, who is widely considered one of the best PvE Hunters in the world. He is an accomplished player with hundreds of top parses across all Hunter specs. He is the Head Admin of Trueshot Lodge, the official Hunter Class Discord. You can find him on his stream on Twitch and his channel on YouTube. He also has his own, personal Discord server where you can freely ask him any Hunter questions you may have!
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